Visiting events of the Creative Workshop "Jazzychnyk" you can get acquainted with current music projects and get a great bonus - listen to world jazz hits in a modern interpretation of the orchestra "Alex Fokin RadioBand".

SEPTEMBER 23, 2021
Concert hall of the Center of Culture and Arts of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
К7 37, Victory Avenue, Kyiv
Start at 5 pm
More about the event
The Creative Workshop "Jazzychnyk" presents the charity concert of the "Alex Fokin RadioBand" orchestra with the participation of the poet Mykola Brovchenko.
In the concert program
Non-stop show "DJazz" - a concert of unsurpassed modern dance interpretation of "golden" jazz hits.
More information about the Music project "DJAZZ".
Waiting for you in the Center of Culture and Arts of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute on SEPTEMBER 23, 2021 from 5 pm
JAZZ is a chane!
Entrance is free by invitation.
Help and questions:
+38 (044) 204 91 32