
Music project DJAZZ
The project name is formed from two components DJ + JAZZ. It is no coincidence because the unique music style of the project organically combines classical jazz and the latest trends in modern electronic music.
The music creative project "DJAZZ" has emerged inside of the legendary Ukrainian collective and one of the best jazz orchestras in the world - the State Academic orchestra "Alex Fokin RadioBand"
The music of the "DJAZZ" is powerful, danceable, arranged and performed as a 21st-century reinterpretation of the best instrumental and vocal works of the world jazz heritage, mainly targets a young audience.
"DJAZZ" - is a new philosophy that combines classical jazz and popular trends iin today's dance music for young adults. An organic combination of various acoustic instruments and modern synthetic sounds, electronic "loops", rhythmic programs and DJ-sessions is used to achieve the unique and complex musical palette of the project. The repertoire of the project covers great jazz hits, well familiar even to those that have not been particularly interested in this type of music before.
Here lies the main "magic" of the project: it offers the younger generation the energy of dance music while drawing on the melodic beauty and harmonic diversity of the great art of jazz. Adapted to the musical language of this generation, it would resonate with their musical tastes and demands competing with the rather primitive "music for the feet" that is currently in fashion.
In 2015 the unique concept of dance jazz took shape in the concert program "Smart Dance Music DJazz". The world premiere of the concert show took place with the participation of virtuosos "Alex Fokin Radio Band" and world -famous jazz musicians: Eric Marienthal (saxophone), Jamie Hovorka (trumpet) and a member of the legendary group Yanni - Yoel Del Sol (percussion). At the same time was released an incredible dual audio and DVD album "Smart Dance Music DJazz".

This performance, the latest in music form and content, combines bright artistic and deep philosophical components. Through expressive music and words, the musical conveys to the audience of this century the extraordinary beauty of authors music and the best works of world jazz.
This play is the story of an unexpected encounter between an earthly girl, the singer Dzyga, and a semi-mythological traveler in time and space, whom she christened Jazzychnyk, and how this iconic meeting changed and enriched them both.
Jazzychnyk is a semi-mythological character, a man out of time and space. He is a researcher of origins and root causes, and an eternal traveler in time. He has been a witness to countless moments in the past, including some events at the time of Kyivan Rus, here, on the lands of present-day Ukraine. He knows a lot, but not everything.
In our century, Jazzychnyk appears the first time. He meets Dzyga here - a girl who introduces him to an unknown phenomenon - Jazz. And music becomes the language that helps them express their feelings. They communicate through songs using different languages - from the Old Ukrainian to the modern Bronx slang.
Dzyga opens to Jazzychnyk (it is she who gives him that name) an incredible world of Jazz with the help of her friends, musicians of the orchestra "Alex Fokin RadioBand" arranging a terrific music show featuring jazz masterpieces.
The authors of this performance strive to deliver a powerful message:
This project emerged as a kind of artistic response from the authors to the numerous challenges of the twenty-first century. The authors believe that several recent decades have highlighted many problems of humanity - new generations have lost the clear national identity, total spiritual impoverishment, diminished cultural potential, conscious choice of purely real-life goals.
But this is not the first time in the History of humanity.
Therefore, in these times, people who serve the common good was the norm of life became more active. During these times, the great word and bright image, exquisite melody and harmony laid bridges over the dark years, brought people back to the high, to the light.
Creators of the musical believe that the New Age of Enlightenment must inevitably occur in Ukraine and all over the world soon.
Therefore, this project combines the social and artistic components - through Music and Word - to bring to the new generations the incomparable beauty of the creations of the past - the aging pearls of world Jazz, which must be heard and felt as the pulse of the present by all modern indifferent people.
After all, music is a universal code of communication, the only invention of the Universe that can bring together humanity divided by different cultures and languages...
The main message: the land of the former Kyiv Rus, as the sunken Atlantis, has been waiting for its Renaissance for a thousand years. Unfortunately, we forgot the energy, philosophy, and knowledge of those incredible times. But the White Noise of History, and the endless pursuit of material goods, battles, and euphoria, do not stand a chance.
But times are changing. JAZZ is a chance!
Authors and participants:
Myk Brovchenko – versification, script
Alex Fokin – music, arrangement
Alex Fokin RadioBand – musical accompaniment
Serge Tiagniryadno – Jazzychnyk
More about the show and listen to songs on the project website: https://jazzychnyk.com/

Music feature film "JAZZYCHNYK"
While the loud theatrical premiere is still ahead, the authors of the project decided not to waste time and record for history the Media Musical "JAZZYCHNYK" as a full-length feature music film.
It is no coincidence that the first musical film in the history of cinema "The Jazz Singer", shot in 1927, was about jazz. Continuing the best world traditions, the authors of the project decided to make a Ukrainian feature music film "JAZZYchnyk", dedicated to jazz and its role in society.
The feature film "JAZZYchnyk" is a screen embodiment of the theatrical music performance of the same name - a story about an unexpected meeting of an earthly girl, singer Dzyga, with a semi-mythological traveler in time and space, whom she christened Jazzychnyk, and how their meeting and creative communication give birth to thoughts and conclusions about the great life-affirming role of music.
Despite the brightness and originality of the images of the heroes, the main protagonist is still music. Songs from the film are an organic continuation of the dialogues of the characters and play an important role in creating a fascinating plot. In turn, the dialogues themselves serve as a kind of bridge between the vocal zongs.
The film will be full of deep social and philosophical content and aims to draw the attention of the modern viewer to the need to have an active position in life and to achieve and follow to high human values.
Expect a large-scale all-Ukrainian premiere!

International Festival "DJ&JAZZ"
The Creative workshop "Jazzychnyk" of the Alex Fokin RadioBand has a great creative ambition to start a new annual tradition of large-scale cultural and artistic action, where young talented musicians will be able to realize their modern vision of immortal jazz works.
We dream of realizing the idea of developing the best modern jazz traditions by founding the world-class International Festival of contemporary jazz art in Ukraine.
Its conceptual and creative content will be formed of high-quality music, in tune with the new performance style "DJAZZ", initiated by the joint creative efforts of "Alex Fokin RadioBand" orchestra and a number of world jazz stars. We hope for future participation in the festival of the best Ukrainian and foreign young adults’ groups, as well as soloists.
To hold the Festival, in addition to the Center of Culture and Arts concert hall, we chose an open location on the Square of Knowledge of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, which allows you to place a large stage for performances and has a large dance floor.